101 examples of job crafting

People curious about job crafting often ask for examples of how others have crafted their jobs. Job crafting, for anyone that doesn’t know is making small tweaks and changes to a job to make it a better fit for the individual.

Part of the work and research we do in job crafting is to uncover and share job crafting examples from ‘in the wild.’

Here are 101 examples of some of the weird and wonderful ways people have personalised, shaped and crafted their jobs.

All of these examples are based on a person’s own context so some of this may not apply or be relevant to your personal and professional circumstances. See this list as a source of inspiration rather than a source of ideas to copy…

Task Crafting

Post it note with tasks list written on it

Task crafting is tangibly changing aspects of how we undertake our work including designing, adding or removing tasks.


  1. Protect the first 30 minutes of the day to focus on specific tasks

  2. Only respond to emails between 9am-11am or 4pm-5pm

  3. Do the hardest task first thing when energy is at its highest

  4. Experiment with voice-to-text software for faster email, report and content writing

  5. Do admin on a Friday when the mood is more positive

  6. Limit non-essential meetings

  7. Use the pomodoro method for time management [look it up!]

  8. Record voice notes for colleagues

  9. Delegate or swap tasks that aren’t enjoyable or don’t play to strengths

  10. Say no to requests that don’t align with the purpose of the role

  11. Find ways to channel a strength e.g. creativity into everyday work

  12. Strategically structure the work day

  13. Experiment with tools like Slack or Teams for effective comms

  14. Ask to start a workplace Team group for those who enjoy more social time

  15. Call a colleague rather than email

  16. Work collaboratively using Google Docs instead of Microsoft Word

  17. Hire someone to do specific and expert tasks e.g. finances

  18. Get involved in more client facing meetings

  19. Schedule all meetings for the afternoons to keep morning free

  20. Shorten all meetings by 10 minutes

Skill Crafting

Hands holding a rubik's cube

Skill crafting is developing, refining and focusing on new skills.


  1. Shadow a colleague doing a specific task

  2. Say yes to a scary project

  3. Learn a new skill or piece of knowledge

  4. Take a course or programme on an area you want to improve

  5. Attend a lunchtime webinar

  6. Ask for help on a difficult subject

  7. Watch YouTube videos to improve a skill

  8. Ask for constructive feedback

  9. Find an opportunity to speak to a group (e.g. to enhance public speaking skills)

  10. Organise team social events (e.g. to utilise planning skills)

  11. Experiment with different meeting styles

  12. Set a goal of writing 5 blogs each quarter

  13. Listen to a podcast related to work on the commute

  14. Delegate 15 minutes before work to focus on a new/current skill

  15. Each team member shares something new they’ve read / learned each week

  16. Ask to gain experience one day a week in a different team

  17. Experiment with a new digital tool (e.g. to get better at presentation design)

  18. Follow a top tips page on a specific topic on social media

  19. Enquire about arranging a lunch and learn for colleagues

  20. Set a goal to learn 5 new things about a topic

Purpose Crafting

Purpose crafting is reframing how we think about our work. in general including the value and significance it brings to us personally and others.

  1. Re-frame the importance and value of tasks you enjoy less (e.g. doing finances shows your care for the business)

  2. Make a daily list of the best interactions with customers / clients

  3. Volunteer for projects that you find meaningful

  4. Write a blog post about what you love about your work

  5. Share your passions at work (e.g. start a running club)

  6. Attend a conference on a subject you are passionate about

  7. Become an advocate or champion for something you care about (e.g. inclusion, sustainability)

  8. Survey service users to better understand their needs and how your work can add value

  9. Volunteer to support new starter induction events

  10. Get involved in client facing calls to understand the impact of your work

  11. Learn more about the people your role is helping

  12. Explore the impact of your role on the wider organisation

  13. Reflect each day on the person that you have helped the most

  14. Write down the purpose of your role before every work shift

  15. Say no to tasks that don’t align with your role purpose

  16. Ask for feedback on projects (to see how you have made an impact)

  17. Create a petition for a recycling bin at work

  18. Reframe work travel as an opportunity to explore new places

  19. Meet with customers of projects you have delivered in the past

  20. Create a case study for every new piece of work and share this externally

Relationship crafting

Relationship crafting is shaping how we relate and engage with others, including building and adapting our relationship with co-workers.


  1. Write thank you notes to colleagues at the end of each week to express gratitude

  2. Pop into someone else’s office to see how they’re doing

  3. Start a breakfast club

  4. Organise a team away day

  5. Schedule informal 1:1 check-ins to compliment more formal 1:1s

  6. Set up a random coffee scheme that pairs colleagues from across the organisation to meet for coffee

  7. Allow time for informal “chit chat” before meetings

  8. Spend less time with people that can drain your energy levels

  9. Grab lunch with a colleague from a different team once a month

  10. Start a book club

  11. Offer to mentor a new colleague

  12. Ask someone about their passions outside of work

  13. Chat to someone about something non-work related

  14. Seek support to address a negative relationship

  15. Recognise and praise a colleague when you see it

  16. Walk to the coffee shop together as a team

  17. Make connections with clients to foster a relationship

  18. Set a goal to learn something new about each team member

  19. Arrange to catch up with a new starter

  20. Connect with someone from a different team

Wellbeing crafting

Wellbeing crafting is boosting our physical and mental health through the work we do.


  1. Go for a 15 minute walk at lunchtime

  2. Mindful walking up and down the corridors to collect patients

  3. Switch your phone and email notifications off in the evenings

  4. Arrange walking meetings

  5. Watch 10 minutes of Netflix at lunch time to switch off

  6. Have a coffee break in the garden

  7. Yoga before work

  8. Introduce a ‘fake’ commute to help start and end the day

  9. Use a standing desk

  10. Say no to non-critical work requests

  11. Get into a routine of leaving work on time (e.g. leave the office with a buddy)

  12. Take a tactical nap

  13. Bring nutritious snacks to work

  14. Ensure you take regular breaks

  15. Cycle/run to work

  16. Try having one day a week that is meeting free

  17. Treat yourself to a lie in once a week - start and finish later that day

  18. Take the stairs instead of the lift

  19. Listen to music whilst working on a project

  20. Get away from the desk at lunch time

Job crafting example number 101:

Write down 3 good things at the end of the work day.

Can you guess which type of job crafting this is? 5 gold stars if you can!

We hope that you found these examples inspiring and that you can try out job crafting for yourself.

For more information on job crafting please click here or email us if you fancy a chat at [email protected]

Happy crafting!