
Being Coached by Rob Baker


I help people at all levels to sustainably get the best out of themselves, their teams and their colleagues.

My coaching style tends to take an action-orientated and strengths-based approach.

My focus is to give you courage and confidence and to help you challenge and clarify your thinking and pragmatically work out practical next step solutions to problems and challenges.  

Common issues that I often support people with include: personal and career development, team and executive leadership, job crafting to improve and personalise your work, habit building and changing, resolving ‘people’ problems, hybrid working, work life balance and integration and finding your work mojo and motivation.

Alongside my work with Tailored Thinking I continue to collaborate with the University of Melbourne’s Centre for Wellbeing Science and actively explore and research ways to make work better.

I live in Durham with a young family and enjoy running and outdoor misadventures