How can job crafting help organisations be more neuro-inclusive?

How can job crafting help organisations be more neuro-inclusive?

Job crafting empowers employees to shape their roles to align with their strengths, interests, and needs. This approach supports neuro-inclusion by reducing workplace barriers for neurodivergent individuals.

By fostering flexibility and personalisation, organisations can create a more inclusive, innovative, and supportive work environment for all employees.

Want to empower your employees? Be more humble

Want to empower your employees? Be more humble

Social Learning Theory suggests that we often learn by observing and imitating others. When leaders embrace humility, they set the stage for employees to engage in job crafting, a powerful way to boost job satisfaction and performance.

10 Takeaways from the European Conference on Positive Psychology

10 Takeaways from the European Conference on Positive Psychology

We were invited to attend and present at the 2024 European Conference on Positive Psychology. Charlotte shares her top 10 takeaways.