A graphic of a pink and blue jacket with a tag that reads “Tailor me to make me more you”
For the past two years, we’ve shared over 200 examples we’ve seen of people job crafting in practice.
We’re regularly inspired by the ways in which individuals and teams tell us they have proactively tailored their work.
And people continue to ask us for examples too.
So our 2025 list includes some of our newest examples collected from workshops and events, as well as contributions from our annual job crafting challenge.
These are personal examples, so they may not apply or be relevant to your circumstances. However we know that examples can be a source of inspiration if you are embarking on a job crafting adventure.
For anyone who is new to job crafting, it is essentially about making small tweaks and changes to your job that make it a better fit. Typically we experience people job craft in 5 different ways: Wellbeing; Purpose; Skill; Relationship; and Task Crafting.
Wellbeing crafting
Wellbeing crafting is enhancing and maintaining our physical and mental health through the work we do.
Block out 30 minutes at the end of the day to help finish off tasks and to do lists before transitioning more smoothly to home life
Use a SAD lamp during the winter months
Buy noise cancelling headphones to help when focusing on deep work in the shared office
Find an ADHD coach
Combine a work trip with a holiday for efficiency of travel and to make work more fun
Walk the ‘nursery run’ rather than driving
Cycle home to help decompress after the working day
Make the nursery run more fun by singing with my daughter in the car
Spot and address micro-stresses in meetings
Implement a daily ‘Digital Detox’ by disconnecting from all technology for one hour after 5PM
Ask friends and colleagues for podcast recommendations to listen to on my daily lunchtime walk
Consistently protect three mornings of my working week to make time for my usual morning routine of the dog walk and a workout
Put a book next to my bed and pick it up on at least four of the next seven days
Design a “desk spa” (nice smells, stress balls, plants)
Try a “silent hour” where I work for an hour without interruptions
Buy a walking pad for my work space
Only bring healthy snacks into the office
Sign up to an EFT tapping class
Start a daily gratitude journal
Create a “calm-down” playlist for stressful days
Purpose crafting
Purpose crafting is reframing how we think about our work in general including the value and significance it brings to us personally and others.
Set a crafting goal before big conferences in order to make the most of them and not feel overwhelmed
Set up a mentoring programme for women working in tech
Publicise my Master's degree research findings
Ask for feedback from at least two people after every project
Make a note at the end of every week how I have brought my personal values into my work
Map out my dream role using the Job Canvas
Write a letter to my future self about my career journey
Take part in a random act of kindness challenge at work
Collect and share monthly impact stories from my work
Plan a mini team event where we focus on celebrating achievements and impact
Use my own photos as the background to testimonials
Challenge people to share feedback using word bingo - bringing playfulness to giving feedback
Initiate a “work swap” where I trade tasks with a colleague for a fresh perspective
Sign up for reverse mentoring (junior colleagues mentor senior colleagues)
Map out my ‘Board of Advisors’ i.e. the people I value and need in my career
Make a daily list of the best interactions with customers / clients
Reframe work travel as an opportunity to explore new places
Write a short blog post about what you love about your work
Organise a clothes swap shop at work to support sustainable fashion
Reflecting on what matters to me at work in 2025 (using our crafting cards could help!)
Skill crafting
Skill crafting is developing, refining and focusing on new skills or strengths.
Ask 5 colleagues who I have worked with recently for feedback on specific skills or strengths of mine
Use the commute time to re-ignite my passion of reading
Start a small 30-day challenge to get more confident making videos
Slow down my reading to allow space to digest and reflect one chapter at a time
Practice a work presentation on friends
Take a strengths assessment to better understand my top strengths and how I can maximise my use of these at work
Seek tasks and projects that align with personal strengths
Host a Lunch & Learn to share my knowledge on a specific topic with the team
Imagine my job as a superhero and list my “power-ups”
Challenge myself by signing up to a public speaking opportunity
Identify one conference I want to go to during the year
Subscribe to email alerts for new articles on a specific topic
Listen to a work-related podcast whilst getting ready for work
Protect time to experiment with new AI tools & present learning back to my team
Offer to mentor a colleague to develop my mentoring skills
Seek out a coach to support on developing skills in a particular area
Ask a colleague to teach you something new, and you do the same in return
Say yes to a scary project
Keep up to date with current trends in the industry
Take the lead in chairing a team meeting (to enhance leadership skills)
Relationship crafting
Relationship crafting is shaping how we relate and engage with others, including building and adapting our relationship with co-workers.
Plan with colleagues which days I’ll go into the office to maximise social time
Recording voice notes for colleagues to lift their mood
Share the job crafting challenge with my team so that we can learn together
Make a list of 20 people who I want to strengthen my relationship with and contact them for a coffee
Aim to have at least one in-person meeting with a colleague each week
Go for a daily walk intentionally passing the canteen in order to bump into someone
Ask my direct report how they like to receive feedback, rather than assuming
Cleanse my LinkedIn connection list
Arrange to meet up with an ex-colleague after leaving the organisation
Set up a company D&D group
Connect with 5 new people on LinkedIn each week
Host a virtual coffee chat for remote team members
Rotate between desk-based and walking 1:1s
Say yes to social events
Set up a reminder to express gratitude to a colleague each week
Schedule regular & repeated (i.e. monthly) calls in advance with colleagues to reconnect
Set up social only channels on the company chat
Allow time for informal “chit chat” before meetings
Arrange to check-in with a new starter from a different team to see how they are getting on
Go to a networking event and swap contact details with at least one new person
Task crafting
Task crafting is tangibly changing aspects of how we undertake our work including re-designing, adding or removing tasks.
Use an app which automatically finds expenses receipts from my phone
Use slack to set automatic reminders to update the CRM
Colour match cables so that it’s easier for everyone to find the right cable for their device
Email myself verbal requests so that I can manage all tasks via email and delete when completed
Chunk down jobs that I might otherwise put off
Experience our organisation’s recruitment process myself by submitting a fake application
Simplify and standardise my status updates instead of delivering custom, detailed report-outs of my efforts that don’t get read
Play with AI for taking minutes and summarising actions
Start timeboxing rather than relying on a never ending to-do list
Use a voice recorder to transcribe a presentation in order to develop a ‘script’ to refer to
Create a plan to post on social media 3 times per week
Experiment with Canva for developing social media content more easily
Map out team priorities in terms of urgency and importance
Challenge my colleagues to convince me there’s a better way to complete a specific task
Use Gemini to help draft emails
Work collaboratively using Google Docs instead of Microsoft Word
Protect the first hour of the week to plan my tasks for the rest of the week
Keep one day a week free for focused / deep work
Shorten all meetings by 10 minutes
Send voice notes rather than chats where this is quicker and easier for both parties
Job crafting example number 101:
Write down 3 good things at the end of the working day. You can note these somewhere or share them with someone (we share ours as a team on LinkedIn every Friday).
We hope that you found these examples inspiring and that you can try out job crafting for yourself.
Let us know how you craft your work and you might get to feature on a future post! Email us: [email protected]