Job Crafting on Purpose.

JC on purpose..png

A sense of purpose is a defining human need for us all. Yet, despite this universal personal requirement, the ‘why’ of work and the power of purpose is often overlooked when it comes to our jobs.

As lockdown eases and the way we work is transitioning, there has never been a better, or arguably more important, time to focus attention and discussions about the value and purpose of what we do.

How can organisations and HR leaders revive or recalibrate a sense of purpose and amplify engagement and performance along the way?

One evidence-based and practical way to do this is by purpose crafting. Purpose, or cognitive, crafting is a type of job crafting that involves shaping and reframing how we think about the value and purpose of our work.

The 4 key types of purpose crafting.

There are four key types of purpose crafting; broadening, narrowing, finding; and personalising purpose. 


We can connect to the wider purpose of our work by looking at the bigger picture in terms of who benefits from the work that we’re doing.

An example of broadening is a customer service operator in a bank reframing their daily tasks from dealing with individual issues, to providing a key service to customers to support their financial welfare.


We can create a sense of purpose by focusing in on and recognising specific elements of our work which we find particularly meaningful and enjoyable.

Rather than broadening their focus, other employees may find value in focusing in on a specific aspect of their work they find particularly meaningful and enjoyable (narrowing purpose) – such as an HR business partner creating opportunities to contribute to wider business strategy.


We can connect to the purpose of our work by intentionally searching and creating opportunities to understand the impact of the work that we’re doing.

A project manager’s job crafting experiment to check in with projects they had delivered a year ago is an example of someone finding the purpose of their work. These check-ins allow them to not only hear stories about the benefits (and possible failings) of their work, but also give them other insights that will shape how they lead future projects.


People can purpose craft by personalising elements of the work they do with the passions and interests that are important to them, which may traditionally only be displayed and showcased outside of work.

People can also ignite a sense of purpose by finding ways to connect their work with values, activities or beliefs that are meaningful and important to them on a personal rather than strictly professional basis. For example, getting involved in, or leading, sustainability or mental health initiatives or starting a weekly running group may allow people to bring outside interests into the organisation.

Bringing purpose crafting to life

Rather than giving or telling people what purpose is, leaders and HR should be concerned with creating opportunities for people to find and shape it for themselves. Here are three ways we’ve seen organisations help people find and join their personal purpose dots:

  • Encourage people to connect with, and directly hear from, the benefactors of their work – through focus groups, testimonials, or simple feedback.

  • Be explicit about discussing and defining the purpose and value of work – by defining purpose and value in job descriptions and in one-to-one discussions.

  • Actively invite people to bring their passions to work – by introducing employee-led skill share workshops or encouraging people to involve.

Other case studies and examples of how organisations have brought job crafting to life can be found here.

We hope that we have inspired you to make a small change to your job that will make your work more tailored to you.

By writing this blog we (Tailored Thinking) are bringing our purpose to life by inspiring and enabling people to make positive changes to their work.

To learn more on the ‘why’ of work and connecting with the meaning and purpose then you can read more here.

Also, you can click here to learn more about job crafting.

3 ways to stop sleep working.

sleep working.png

Ever find yourself mindlessly working your way through tasks and activities without engaging and thinking about them? If so you might be sleep working…

5 signs to spot sleep working:

  • Not being excited by your work

  • Feelings of dread

  • No curiosity/creativity in your work

  • Feeling you’re doing the same thing every day

  • Unengaged

Without realising it, many of us spend much of our working day on auto pilot, not engaged in what we are doing, or why we are doing it.

Many of us will open our laptops or fire up our desktops and begin to scan through emails and before we know it’s lunch time and we have no record of half of the day.

We often give very little thought to how or what we want to achieve on a daily basis and just drift through our tasks.

Sleep working gives us less control over our day and makes us feel like someone else is in charge. Research uncovered that we spend over 84,000 hours at work during our lifetime [1]. That is a 1/3 of our waking hours during adulthood… unengaged and robotic almost.

Waking up your work

We wanted to share with you some tips to stop sleep working and start living! Work doesn’t have to be boring, it can be fun, energising and uplifting, we just need the right mindset and tips to do it.

1. Deliberately experiment

Experiment with elements of your job.

Experiment with elements of your job.

Try something different.

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that shaking up the way we work can have positive outcomes. Change and adapt the methods that aren’t working for you and that are draining your energy. For example, if you dread the idea of sorting through emails at the end of the day, can you switch this task to first thing in the morning?

Can you grow or promote the elements you love doing and try and reduce or improve the elements that you don’t enjoy doing as much? We have a mapping exercise which enables you to reflect on, and see the interplay between your tasks and your energy load. The exercise is called love and loathe.

Think back to a time you felt energised by your work?

What were you doing?

Who were you working with?

What time of day was it?

Take into consideration all of these factors and try to adjust your working style to align with your individual needs.

2. Think about the why of work

We spend a lot of time doing work, without actually thinking about why we do it. Arguably, the why of work is the most important element yet it’s the least talked about. But why is the why missing from our current discussions at work?

Research has found that 8/10 people were willing to earn less money to do more meaningful work [2]. Meaning in our work gives us value, fulfilment and purpose. So it’s important to connect and engage with this.

Some questions to consider to engage with the purpose and value of the work we do are:

  • Why does my job exist?

  • Who benefits from the work I do?

  • How can I see and hear about the impact of the work I do?

You can read more about connecting to the meaning and purpose of your work here.

3. Use your strengths / find a way to tap into your passions at work.

A scientifically proven way to use your strengths at work is job crafting. People who used strengths at work are 6x more likely to be engaged at work [3]. Job crafting is an approach that enables individuals and teams to actively shape and tailor their work around their passions, strengths and interests.

It enables people to personalise their work in order to boost engagement and to make people feel happier in the work that they do.

In order to create a more personalised approach to our work, individuals need to be more deliberate in the way they approach and carry out their tasks and responsibilities. Hence the importance of the the 3 tips we have provided you with in this blog.

To explore more around personalisation at work watch this epic ted talk.

Also, you can find out more about using your strengths at work and job crafting here.

Thanks for reading, we hoped you enjoyed this blog as much as we liked writing it.

Any questions, queries or just fancy a chat then please get in touch.




[3] Rigoni, B and Asplund, G (2016) Developing employees’ strengths boosts sales, profit and engagement, Harvard Business Review, 1 September, available at: (archived at

What can Netflix and IKEA teach us about personalisation at work?

We live in a personalised world.

We can choose individualised playlists and podcasts instead of generic radio stations. We can choose where and when to source our news and and how to watch our favourite TV shows.

Beyond media, we can personalise the trainers we wear and the cars we drive in. Take Nike ID for example, enabling us to personalise the colour and style of our trainers, adding to the value of the shoe. Almost anything and everything is tailored just for us.

And then we have the world of work.

In this article, learning from TV streaming and DIY giants, we’ll explain why personalisation matters, how it can spark joy and how this is relevant to the world of work.

The Netflix Effect.

The Netflix Effect.

The Netflix effect - the power of personalisation on Netflix.

Netflix is the largest streaming service in the world.

Netflix now has around 208 million subscribers worldwide with an extra 16 million joining throughout the summer of the pandemic 2020 [1].

But why is it so popular?

It could be argued that Netflix’s personalised experience is a key factor.

Netflix stated that “Personalisation is one of the pillars of Netflix because it allows each member to have a different view of our content that adapts to their interests and can help expand their interest over time[2].

It enables users to have their own profile, profile photo and nickname, creating a feeling of luxury and individuality rather than sharing with other users.

Netflix has homepage personalisation too. “Each experience is personalized across many dimensions: the suggested videos and their ranking, the way videos are organised into rows and pages, and even the artwork displayed[2].

Page personalisation takes Netflix to the next level as it creates an experience for users. Each tailored homepage offers individuals tv shows and movies that comply with users taste and will fit the members mood and context in hope to bring out unexpected joy.

Chloe’s personalised Netflix homepage (don’t judge).

Chloe’s personalised Netflix homepage (don’t judge).

So rather than just searching for shows Netflix has created a personalised experience for their users, where they can form attachments and resonance with their accounts. Who knew picking a movie could be so fun?



The IKEA effect - Why we value the things we build.

Researchers, Michael Norton, Daniel Mochon and Dan Ariely were curious about whether building an item influenced peoples’ perceptions of its value.

To test this they ran a number of different ingenious investigations.

In a key study they randomly assigned people as either ‘inspectors’ or ‘builders’. The builders were asked to create a plain cardboard stationary box from IKEA using standard instructions [3]. Inspectors were given a ready-made box and had the opportunity to examine it.

At the end of the study, participants would have been holding identical boxes. The only difference being that for half the group, they would have played a part in putting the box together.

Before the study finished participants were asked to place a bid on the box. They were also asked to rate how much they liked the box.

Who do you think valued it more? The builders or the inspectors?

The researchers found builders bid significantly more than inspectors and their ratings of how much they liked the box were higher too.

The research team coined the term the “Ikea effect” to refer to the phenomenon of people placing additional value on items that they have played a part in constructing compared with ready-built goods and services.

You may resonate with this based on attachments you have formed with items that you have built or created yourself.

Or perhaps someone else has this attachment that you can’t quite see - a partner or family member might not bear to part with an item of furniture or clothing that you’ve been trying to throw out for years.


We suggest that leaders consider 3 things principles when it comes to personalisation in the workplace:

1. People (may) like what you give them.

2. If you want people to value something, let them build it.

3. If you want people to love something then let them create and shape it.

It’s as simple as that. 

Often, with the best of intentions, organisationally, we build and create solutions for other people without allowing them to create and craft them for themselves.

We present people with decisions that have been made on behalf of them, or we place people in fully formed jobs which provide little or no opportunity for people to shape and personalise them.

So before you “gift” a decision to someone in your team, perhaps take a leaf from Netflix or Ikea and consider whether there are ways that they can help build or personalise the solution for themselves.

If you’re want to find out more about personalisation then click here.

Personalisation at work is a great book if you’re curious about how you can personalise your own work.




[3] Norton, M. I., Mochon, D., & Ariely, D. (2012). The IKEA effect: When labor leads to love. Journal of consumer psychology, 22(3), 453-460..

Talking to TED: Some thoughts on my experiences of speaking at TEDx

TEDx Newcastle University.

TEDx Newcastle University.

I’ve always been an avid consumer of TED talks, videos and podcasts. They share new ideas, change my perceptions and send me down rabbit holes of further research exploration and discovery. 

I’ve also found the idea of giving a TEDX talk seductive. Through the work I do, I want people to explore and experiment with ways to make their work better. And giving a TEDX talk would be a wonderful way to share ideas in a new way. 

And of course, I imagined myself doing this with similar clarity, confidence, wit and compulsion that you see in other speakers.

The reality is that - as I mention in my talk - I’m not a natural speaker or story teller. 

So whilst I was delighted to be told that I had been accepted as a speaker as part of TEDx Newcastle University I found the whole process much bigger and challenging than I had (probably very naively on my part) expected. 

This is a summary of 7 feelings that I experienced during my TEDX “journey.”

Imagine a world.

Imagine a world.

1) Busted (talking to Ted)

“Who are you talking to dad?”.  Evie, my two year old, pulled on my trouser leg and looked up at me. 

I realised that I had been rehearsing parts of my TEDx talk whilst navigating preparations for dinner.

“I’m practicing for my TED talk” I said. I went on to explain that I was going to be speaking to lots of people and wanted to practice what I was going to say. Evie seemed satisfied with the answer - for the moment at least - and went on playing.

From that point on, over the coming weeks when Evie caught me practicing elements of my talk - at home, when walking about or pushing her on the swings - she would just ask me “Are you talking to TED?” It made me laugh and smile every time. 

My learning: Work things sometimes spill into personal and family life and life things spill into work. This is (for me at least) a reality and rather than hide it, I want my daughter and son to be interested in, or at least aware of, the things I’m doing that are important to me (either personally or professionally).

Oh and your children are always more perceptive than you think...

2) (super) Excited

The build up to the recording reminded me of the growing excitement of the big running races and competitions I had trained for in the past. There was a gradual daily increase of adrenaline, excitement and nervousness in the days leading up to the talk. 

To help channel my nerves in the week before I used similar strategies to how I would prepare for a race. Some of things I did included: positively visualising aspects of the talk going well; imaging some of the different challenges or obstacles that might happen and then thinking through how I might deal with them (e.g. what happened if I forgot part of my script, or found myself rushing, or if there was a technical fault during the recording); and making a list of things I needed on the day of the talk (such as reacquainting myself with an iron and finding my “smart” clothes).

My learning: My experiences of performing as an athlete were portable to the challenge of presenting.

I wonder why I had not thought of this before?

3) (really) Challenged

I found it really challenging to craft my script in ways that balanced being: authentic; in service of the audience; and in line with TED ideals in terms of being inspirational, engaging and accessible.

I cringe at the thought of ever being “preachy”, strive to be evidence-led and loves to share and showcase the work and ideas of others. Yet, as Ziyu (the speaker co-ordinator) summarised in some spot on feedback: I needed to be more enthusiastic, accessible and less academic. 

Over time, with continued (wonderful) feedback from the TEDX curation team I found a way to present the ideas I wanted without feeling that I had overly diluted or simplified the concept of job crafting that was the focus of my talk.

My learning: Including my stories and studies made the talk more personal to me - at first I struggled with this, but over time came to embrace the fact that the talk was something that was unique and individual. It was a talk that no one else could deliver - for better or worse.

4) (ever so) Tired

I certainly didn’t have a “TEDX talk” shaped hole in my life. Consequently, I had to be scrappy and disciplined to carve out time to work on the script and to practice.

On a number of occasions, I remember cursing myself for committing to do the talk.

At times I felt frustrated about how much mental bandwidth and energy it was taking up. And I was scared about being “good enough” - whatever that meant.

To help with this, rather than resist or resent these feelings I reframed them. I reminded myself they were simply an indicator that I was doing something that was important to me, that I cared about, and that I had experienced similar emotions doing other personal and professional challenges which ultimately I have been incredibly proud of.

I also found it useful to be pragmatic about the talk. Rather than focusing on giving the best talk imaginable, I was committed to giving the best talk I could under the circumstances I was facing using the time and energy I had available.

My learning: I found it really helpful to recognise that the bigs up and downs I experienced weren’t to be embraced or ignored, but were just a reality of doing something that stretched me.

5) (In) Awe

The TEDX curation team were simply phenomenal in terms of the time, effort and commitment that they poured into the event. 

The team pretty much outclassed and outworked any and every professional events organisation I have worked with.

Whilst their work commitment has been inspiring, what I have truly admired, is their collaborative approach to navigating all the complexities, risks and challenges of producing the event during the pandemic.

I have been particularly impressed with Ashleigh King’s leadership. She has led with a blend of compassion and clarity that many senior leaders struggle. Ash navigated complex, ever-changing circumstances in a way that brought the TEDX curation and speaker team together, at a time when they could have been pulled apart.

My learning: I was really pleased that I had spent time talking to Ash about the team’s vision for their TEDx and their approach before submitting an application to speak.

6) (Incredibly) Grateful

Aside from the TEDx team, I have been incredibly fortunate to have a number of people give me feedback on various iterations of their script. In fact, there is no one I asked who wasn’t been kind enough to read a version of my script or watch me present.

Pretty much every piece of feedback I received helped me tweak what I was saying or how I was saying it. So thank you Gary Butterfield, Kieran James, Chloe Mark, Duncan Archer, Pippa Archer and Peter Pease for watching drafts of my talk.

And a special thanks to Jo Darby from Voice in the Room for your last minute coaching support and advice.

My learning: People generally want to help. You just need to ask them.

7) (really) Inspired

During the preparations I had had the opportunity to watch some of the other presenters shape and practised their talks. They offered wonderful peer-coaching and support.

It was fantastic to have backstage peaks at the phenomenal talks of the other presenters and see how they have shaped and improved them over time. Each and every speaker and talk has inspired, engaged and provoked me. 

My learning: It genuinely is a privilege to have the opportunity to hear from people share ideas and stories that they care deeply about.

The brilliant TEDx speakers.

The brilliant TEDx speakers.

Ideas worth spreading.

I’m sharing these reflections, not because I thought my final talk was wonderful - I’m certainly proud of it, but there are 1,000s of ways it could be improved - but because lots of people have asked me about my experiences and preparations. 

Writing this has also helped to identify the skills and knowledge I have developed during the process. 

It’s certainly been an adventure. And I’m pleased to report that Evie no longer catches me talking to TED.

Job Crafting - Making Work Personal 

You can view my talk here.

The Love and Loathe exercise: Mapping and boosting our energy at work.

An exercise to map and boost your energy at work.

An exercise to map and boost your energy at work.

People naturally have a sense of the activities and tasks at work that light them up and those that drain energy away from them.

Despite knowing what shapes our energy we often do very little about this. We just tend to get on with work; because well, we feel we have to.

We have normalised the idea that there are always going to be parts of our work that we don’t enjoy and that we will find draining and mundane.

But what if we changed the way we looked at these tasks and found ways to reduce, shape or reframe them?

And what if we found ways to do more of the things that light us up?

We want to help positively shape your energy at work for a happier and healthier you.

What is the exercise?

Love and loathe is an exercise we use at Tailored Thinking with individuals and teams.

The starting point is to identify 10-15 key activities that are core and important parts of your current roles and to reflect how much energy they give or take. 

Why should you use it?

This mapping exercise enables people to reflect on, and see the interplay between their tasks and their energy load.

You will become more aware of how you’re spending your time at work and what fills you with energy and what does not.

This self awareness may change the way you think about tasks and how you carry them out. It’s a great starting point for job crafting.

Who is it made for?

Everyone! For most people, regardless of which industry you work in there are always going to be tasks we find more enjoyable than others. Likewise, there will be tasks we find that are less enjoyable, that may drain our energy.

If you’re someone who wants to boost your energy at work then this is the exercise for you.

What are the benefits of doing this exercise?

This exercise:

  1. Enables you to consider the current allocation of personal resources of time and energy.

  2. Highlights opportunities to shape and change your activities to maximise your energy.

  3. Allows you to meet your needs for control, positive self-identity and connection with others.

Love and Loathe Exercise Guide

Love and Loathe Exercise Guide

If you’re interested in the love and loathe exercise and would like to find out more around the dynamics, we have produced a short guide on how to use it.

It will also give you the diagrams of the exercise that you could print out and use or simply copy.

You can download it here.

If you have any questions, queries or just fancied a chat about this then please do not hesitate to get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.

Tailored Thinking finally meet in person!

Tailored Thinking office buzzer.

Tailored Thinking office buzzer.

After working remotely since September, it felt so strange to finally ring the buzzer entering the office.

Myself and Rob (Founder and Chief and Positive Deviant) were yet to meet in person after working together virtually for 7 months.

I started my new role as a Content Developer for Tailored Thinking in September and time has just flown over.

Countless zoom calls, phone calls and emails, it started to feel completely normal to work this way as we get on really well and have created some excellent collaborative work.

Walking through a busy Durham town centre, the sun was shining and I was wearing actual real life clothes and not jogging bottoms, it felt pretty surreal. A real life work commute. How strange! It was a beautiful day for it and it will be a day in my life I definitely won’t forget.

After seeing the office multiple times on Zoom, expectations did not disappoint! I felt the Tailored Thinking branding and positive vibe as soon as I entered.

Tailored Thinking office.

Tailored Thinking office.

Rob showed me around the building and the office and where I could access important supplies like coffee.

I was reluctant to add a photograph of myself, but Rob insisted as the writer of this blog I had to show my face. So here I am at my desk in the office.

Me at my desk.

Me at my desk.

We had a great chat discussing our new office dynamics and we worked until around lunch time, where we headed into the town centre for lunch. We discovered a lovely little restaurant just by the bridge overlooking the river.

We ordered some delicious food and chatted until it arrived. Which did take a while as the waiter forgot about us… but we didn’t mind and even got some free fries!

Good food better company!

Good food better company!

After a lovely lunch trip, we headed to Flat White Kitchen for some coffee and strolled back to the office.

The day exceeded expectations and I am super excited to start working in the office alongside Rob. Hopefully this will provide us with opportunities for us to create even better work in order to make work better!

I hope for anyone else who has started a job remotely in the last 12 months that you have a first day as pleasant as mine, when and if returning to the office.

Connect with me on LinkedIn Chloe Mark to follow my Tailored Thinking journey!

Thanks for reading :)

5 reasons job descriptions are a waste of time

Job descriptions are a waste of time

Do you have a job description?

If you do, when was the last time you looked at it?

Do you even know where the latest version is saved?

Our guess, it’s probably stored on a hard drive somewhere, collecting virtual dust. 

We wonder whether job descriptions are fit for purpose in the current world of work. Whilst there is a big list of things wrong with job descriptions, these are our top 5 for today.

Our 5 top things wrong with job descriptions:

1) Old news / Instantly out of date

Our jobs are constantly changing, yet our descriptions stay the same. Once written job descriptions remain frozen in time, untouched until they are needed for a recruitment, promotion or performance process.

We believe: Job descriptions should constantly evolve and change in the way that our work does yet they seldom do.

2) Unrealistic

Job descriptions are a little like many social media profiles. They tend to show the best bits but deliberately hide or obscure the day-to-day realities of our lives. Similarly, job descriptions tend to paint a positive picture of a role without truly representing what it looks and feels like to do a job on a day-to-day basis.

We believe: Job descriptions should give readers a true sense and representation of what it feels like to do a particular job.

3) Too much or too little

There tends to be no in-between with job descriptions. They are either pages long, crammed with endless responsibilities and activities, that you rarely actually do.

On the other hand, job descriptions are far too sparse and focus on a specific number of responsibilities without reflecting the broad range of tasks and activities the job actually entails. Either way they often don’t reflect the reality of the job role.

We believe: Job descriptions should be carefully curated to give a representative picture of what a job entails.

4) Exploring and explaining why the job exists

Job descriptions often focus on tasks, competencies or responsibilities without clearly defining and explaining why the job exists in the first place. Jobs exist to provide value and a service to others yet this is infrequently captured in the job descriptions. Consequently, many job holders fail to understand or focus on the core purpose and value of the job. 

We believe: Job descriptions should clearly state and explain the purpose of the role and the value it creates to others.

5) Costly to create

A survey looking into job descriptions uncovered that more than 50% of respondents found that it takes 2 or more hours to write a job description. 

In terms of pounds and pence this would be a minimum of £32.00 per document assuming that only one person was involved in checking the document and they earned close to the average wage in the UK.

If you had 500 people working for your organisation that would be a cost of 1,000 people hours and £16,000. This figure ignores the fact that in many organisations job descriptions need to be reviewed and checked by senior and HR managers or the cost would be much more than this.

The reality is that job descriptions don’t provide a return on investment for organisations in terms of the value they create compared to time taken to write and produce them.

We believe: Our time at work is precious and job descriptions and role profiles should be able to be produced in a time efficient and cost effective way.

Doing things differently

In short we don’t think many job descriptions are worth the time and effort . We believe that job descriptions should:

  • Constantly evolve and and change in the way that our work does.

  • Give readers a true sense and representation of what it feels like to do a particular job.

  • Be carefully curated to give a representative picture of what a job entails.

  • Clearly state and explain the purpose of the role and the value it creates to others.

  • Should be produced in a time efficient and cost effective way.

Creating a job canvas

At Tailored Thinking we think that job descriptions are boring, outdated and out of touch. 

We’ve created a job canvas which is easy to complete and update and captures the core elements and essence of a job rather than an infinite list of duties and tasks. 

We’re currently testing the canvas with a few selected clients. If you want to be at the front of the queue to find out more, then you can enquire here.

5 reasons you need our job crafting guide

Job Crafting Guide 2021

Job Crafting Guide 2021

Did you know that over 41% of the global workforce are considering leaving their current roles within the next year, according to recent research from Microsoft.

What if there was a way to make your current job better, so you didn’t have to look elsewhere?

Job crafting allows us to bring a personal approach to work. Making work more meaningful, enjoyable and productive.

Our job crafting guide enables people to bring job crafting to life and help make work better so we can make better work.

5 reasons why our guide can help you:

1. Bring the power of personalisation to your workplace

We personalise all aspects of our lives, including our cars, our clothes, our coffee cups and much more. When we personalise something we tend to value it up to 2x more [1].

Our guide shares how you can bring this personalisation advantage to our work.

2. An introduction to job crafting

If you’re new to the term job crafting then don’t panic.

The guide will provide you with an overview to the what, why and how of job crafting. We go into detail on what job crafting is and the different ways we can craft our work. We’ll also share with you the benefits of job crafting and how it can be brought to life.

The image below is a sneak peak from the guide, showcasing some of the benefits of job crafting.

The benefits of job crafting

The benefits of job crafting

3. Stories and examples of job crafting in action

Like people, job crafting comes in all different shapes and sizes.

The guide will provide you with a variety of stories from different sectors and walks of life. Ranging from customer service advisors to executive directors.

4. Ideas to bring job crafting to life

Job crafting happens when people have the space, opportunity and encouragement to personalise their roles.

The guide will provide you with the range of ways that we can bring job crafting to life and make work better.

5. Case studies

We like to provide you with case studies to show how job crafting works in action. Two organisations we partnered with are Connect Health and Virgin Money.

Connect Health are the largest, independent provider on integrated community MSK (musculoskeletal) and physiotherapy services in the UK.

Virgin Money serve 6.4 million customers across the UK through through a digital-first approach that offers leading online and mobile services, supported by telephone, branch and business banking centres.

So, what are you waiting for? You can grab the guide here.

If you want further information on job crafting or the services we offer then go to our website.


[1] Franke, N. and Schreier, M., 2010. Why customers value self-designed products: The importance of process effort and enjoyment. Journal of product innovation management, 27(7), pp. 1020-1031.